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Project 1

Experiencing Construction

This is a project where we get closer ot the real world of construction. We have to choose a construction site and came out a report in explaining the process of construction from the foundation, to the superstructure and to the roof. 


The site requirment was not more than 4 storeys of high rise or prefer residetial area. First, we chose a MRT station conctruction site as this period, the construction of MRT train has been happening vigorously in Subang area. Through a friend, we are then get the chance to explore a different construction method of infrastructure.


It is an eye opener for the freshie  like us. Beneath those bridges and columns, there's something humogous to support a single column. It really helped to explain the questions I wander before that how can those little columns can be a support for the crowd and the heavy load like train. 


Although we did not use much information throughout the MRT construction site as it went beyond our project syllabus, however, is a great time spent with the engineer and we really learnt a lot from there. 


That was our first time experience for the real world of construction, that experience built a strong basic knowledge for us to understand a smaller unit of construction method like the residential. 



Construction progress, methods, material, and  site context


Documentation should be in the form of pictures, sketches, drawings, and written analysis and explain 


  • specification of material used in construction 

  • dimension and sizes of components

  • standards of descriptions 

  • Procedures of constructing the components

  • Construction response to site context(environmental issues related to sustainable development)

After that MRT construction, we went to visit residential construction which is called the Karisma. It's a huge residential area in construction. 


I was in charge in the external work for the report.  The construction which is in big scale did follows the rule of organizing the external work. 

The report

Have lots of fun during the site visits. We had been to 4 sites in total, quite a lot compare to others. We had lots of fun during the site visit. We got to know the story beyond the grand building, was hard work and sweats of the worker, some include death during construction. They willing to take risk to join the team and build up building for the community no matter how dangerous they are. Besides, what I realize about construction work was about team work. A building includea a lot of party in the process, the architect was one of them . They shared the same degree of importance in the team. I really appreciate we have people willing to withstand the sun or rain, some terrible weather, working hard to make things happened. 

Thank you


Project 2 

Construction Details and Specification

Explore, Apply, Document and Explain 


Moving from documentation and analysis of construction process and activities, this assignment focuses on the demonstration of knowledge that you have acquired earlier on. This second assignment emphasizing on proposing details fro certain section of building, both structural and architectural detailing. 


We are using studio final project building as our refering building for the detailing and analising. 


We are required to produce a A2 size board following by the below requirement: 

1) roof 

2) Superstructure (wall/slab/staircase etc)

    Joint and connection 




I had include Roof structure, deck structure and glass wall structure that exist in my studio design building. 

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