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This projet is to design 2 separate paper and woodern cube to define volume of 12''X12"X12" inch space. In the aim of letting students recognize how intrinsic forms , limitations, boundaries of material factor in a deisgn process. Besides, in order to work effectively with a material in line with deisgn requirements  at the same time to be able to express a material within its context application. 


This assessment is designed to introduce building materials that are commonly used in local construction industry. To study and understand the reason behind choices made by the certain designer in terms of concept, functional use, environmental response, envrironmental profile, structural requirements, availability of resources when selecting a buildign material. 

Building Material 


Building material intends to inform students of relevant visual and physical properties of a wide range of building materials. For each material, the module describe the manufacturing process, salient properties and typical use of the material, with the aim of their appropriate application within the awareness of the suitability of the physical and chemical prperties as well as ecological impact, student undergo projects and tests to ascertain the objective and outcome of the module is achieved. 

Project 2 
Analysis Boards
Project 1
Cube designing
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