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Project 2 a 

Still Rendering with Materials and Light (Exterior)

The second project part a involve in production of photorealistic still rendering of the selected architecture design with appropriate materials, appropriate camera views and lighting effect for the enhancement of visual outcome. The visualisation work would be assessed on the type and ways of materials are used, types of lights and effect used to set up the scene, setup of appropriate camera views for rendering and skills of using post-production tools to enhance the visual outcome. 

Work In Process

First, I select concrete as the first material to be inserted. 

Motify the material to be more realistic. 

Next, select another material which is wood. 

Then apply my next material which is glass. The glass used is taken from the Mental ray /Arch And Desisgn/ Glass template.

All the materials are applied. 

Time to motify multiple material by splitting surface. 

Concrete material can be applied to the previous white tiles. 

Motify the materials by changing the surface. 

After materials are motified, the landscape(grass) is made by using map/bump/noise. 

Trees are added. 

Grass are added. 

Daylight is inserted to certain level to ensure overall lighting. 

Camera views are set up.

Test render. 

Light is applied to certain angle to ensure light coming from interior to lighten the exterior. Targeted light/Mr Area Omni 

Camera views are set up.

Test Render.

End Product

Daytime Render

Nightime Render

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