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Project 1 

Cube designing


This projet is to design 2 separate paper and woodern cube to define volume of 12''X12"X12" inch space. In the aim of letting students recognize how intrinsic forms , limitations, boundaries of material factor in a deisgn process. Besides, in order to work effectively with a material in line with deisgn requirements  at the same time to be able to express a material within its context application. 

Paper cube 


Woodern cube 

Throughout this project , the understanding of the limitation of each materials is built. I knew what shape can the woodern cube be like and as well as the paper cube. The hardness and softness of material can end up with totally different result. I tried to make my paper cube look hard but failed to, it end up very soft looking and feels like its not stable enough. However, the woodern cube told totally different story. 


I very appreciate of having this opportunity to explore material in an interesting way. Beside, how different material join together and how the corner meet are also the issues faced and need to think about. I learnt a lot troughout this project, thank you. 

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