This is a life capsule which would bring brighten the children's evening with entertaining and brian consuming activities. Children would find 0 boredom while spending their 24 hours within this space.
A capsule which sepcially designed for someone, considering every details of the client. The body measurement, the movement and the space needed for the interaction between the body and the space had been calculated beforehand. Therefore, safety is assured.
Due to this issue, I finally realize something. This is so called designing. When you start to design something, you wont know what would it end with, I think this is the fun part about designing, you wont know what would happen next, either better or worse. Luckily, we found our way of continuing the design for our life capsule.
Project 2
Life Capsule
A designed and functional space

Space | for a better them

In stead of having them apart from each other, we combined them by having a larger area of cubes according to the shape we wanted. Design process moving on and on, arguments happened, frustration happened, depression happened all the time as we failed to express what we want in mind into the model. Finally, it all led to a sastisfying end result which worth all the hard work paid off.
Lastly, I want to thanks all my groupmates for keeping inspiring me throughout the process. At the edge of failure, we still keep on going, I think that's the power of being in a team, harder to be broke into pieces, we were there, supporting each other until the fruitful result came in. Thank you.

Presentation Board
The process is frustrating sometimes as a lots of problems occurred. We had spent whole weeks to make a 2cmX2cmX2cm cubes as our original idea was to create a capsule which can created according to the client needs. Client can shape their own capsule. Therefoe, these small little cubes would be portable and not attched to each other permanently. However, this didn't work as we found out it's really bad lookng and it wont be steady enough besides create danger for our client ---- children. Therefore, we gave up this idea after a long week hard work and start from zero.
In the aim of creating a better next generation, we create KIASULE
Children will undergo some activities that will boost their creativeness and thinking process while using the space. All the activities are well explained in the board. The entry for this capsule would be the hide and seek part, this is a innovated hide and seek, different from previous generation, this hide and sekk can change their path! To misguide the other player the exactly location inspired by magic cube. In case the children failed to find their way into the capsule, an alternative path is provided, steps are provided for climbing into the capsule. Besides, there's a wall full of tetrix, children can form their dreamed window frame or any other furniture by using those 3D tetrix.

Designers behind the scene.