Phase 1
Phase 2
We chose Taylors commercial block due to its largely apply of horizontal elements. As every part of the building consist of the supporting shape which form the overall horizontal look of commercial. We had discovered some reasons behind why certain part is shaped like that. It was a very interesting exercise as we can use our imagination and creativeness and also some basic knowledge while analyising based on horizontal principle. More details can refered to the board above.

Project 3
A dream space for a dream client
A well planned space specially presented to the special her

Phase 1
Before starting to design the dream space, we were underwent some studio-based activities. In phase 1, we were introduced several design principles such as horizontal, vertical and base plane elements. Then we were asked to analysis a given building to investigate the application of design principles as stated above.
Phase 2
Then reach the phase where we need to construct a model based on the principle we analysised. We came out a design where applying of base plane principle. The increasing and decreasing base plane can be found within this hierachy pathway. This is a pathway where act as the connecting bridge from one building to another. The focus is the light rays and shadows to increase the interesting part of the place.

It's called Amazeing as is inspired by maze and giving people a thinking process while walking through the space to make them stop and observe the place. Many layers can be found through the place and penetration of light rays would be another beauty of the pathway.

The process picture while making Amazeing.
Finally, it reached the state where a dream space is created. We are required to choose a client whom we admired. I chose Mother Teresa for her warm and kindness which had brought so many lost souls to a destination .
Mother Teresa
A great soul to be remembered
Mother Teresa acts as an intimate to everyone, taking care of people around her unintentionally. Due to this personality, I decided to design a space for her, which showed her intimacy.
This is a building based on the concept of embracing. Layered by layered roof top and continued by the wall and then the furniture. All is connected to create the smooth flow of the entire space.
The thinking process is a very long process. Many ideas will bump into each other and making me indecisive then lost my direction. I had suffered this at the beginning of my design, but was forced to focus on one of the ideas. When came to model making, I had tried to been through whole night in constructing my drawings into a real model. It led me to a realization of not all the drawings is capable of making it out, which is now happening in the construction industry. This made me more admire the great architect Frank Gehry who manage to build amazing building which is in his mind. I had amend lots of design of the space which cant be made in reality.
There are three spaces in my building, which are the counseling area, the worshipping area, and the refection area. All the area is decided due to the daily routine of my client and her preferred.

Process of making model
mock up model

My final model

Pictures of the interior of my model.